74 Lexington Ave, Mansfield, OH 44907
Toll Free: 800-877-4071 Local: 419-522-4071
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74 Lexington Ave, Mansfield, OH 44907
Toll Free: 800-877-4071 Local: 419-522-4071
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Plants by Floral Garden Florist

Want to send a plant gift but don't have a green thumb? Find the hottest picks in Floral Garden Florist best selling plants and flowers section. Rose plants are perfect for romance; blooming plants brighten anyone's day; and a green plant provides lasting beauty. Our best selling plants take the guesswork out of gift-giving.

The FTD� Peace & Serenity� Dishgarden
The FTD� Peace & Serenity� Dishgarden C23-4454 US 56.99
The FTD� Loving Light� Dishgarden
The FTD� Loving Light� Dishgarden C27-4527 US 56.99
The FTD� French Garden�
The FTD� French Garden� C23-4886 US 72.99

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Florists' Transworld Delivery Inc. is a registered ISO and MSP of HSBC Bank, USA, National Association, Buffalo, NY.